Saturday, April 25, 2015

Desiring A Demon by Missy Jane

Desiring A Demon

(an Archangels novel)
Missy James


Rating:                  4 ½ teacups
Recommendation:         Yes, Yes
Book Club Worthy:          In Genre


Will a romance between a half- demon, Asta and an Archangel, Rafe go beyond curl your toes smoking hot sex? Can Asta fight her demon half? Will Rafe have to kill Asta if she turns demon or will Asta kill Rafe if she turns demon…

I feel so stifled by a simple 1-5 stars, this will receive 4 ½ teacups. I can also tell you that I did not put it down and it was a quick read.  I read this novel without reading the 1st offering Trusting an Angel, which I will correct tout suite. I suggest all of you do also. It stood fine as a standalone; it did whet the appetite for the 1st in the series for which I have a link at the end of the review. 

Asta and Rafe are attracted to each other from the first and after she finds out she is half human and demon, they are afraid to act on those feelings. When they do there are fireworks and things get super hot. The plot gets pretty in depth here also. I only wish that there were some more about some of the characters, it is possible that it was taken care of in the first novel. In that case, I would have changed the rating to a 5.

You are going to love this book if you like paranormal, sci-fi, hot as can be sex with a side of romance, and a fast paced plot. I am awaiting number three in the series…


* I would like to thank Entangled Publishing, LLC via NetGALLEY for giving me an unreleased copy for an honest and fair review.

If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW).

AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

Trusting an Angel

(an Archangels novel)
Missy James

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