Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Half Brother by Holly LeCraw

The Half Brother:

A Novel
Holly LeCraw

Ratings and Recommendations

Rating: 4 1/2 teacups

Recommendation:Yes, Yes

Book Club Worthy: It is going on my list!


Charlie seeks refuge and finds it for a short time as a teacher at the Abbott School. He finds and loses his first love and moves on the best he can until his “perfect” half-brother comes and convalesces and begins to teach as well as his first love at Abbott School. What happens when good intentions go wrong and long held family secrets are let loose…? 

If I could I would give this novel 4 ½ stars. It will be getting the deserved rating on my book review blog. There was only one thing that I have an issue with in the book that kept it from becoming a 5 star recommendation. I was left needing to know more about the “golden boy” half-brother. Especially toward the ending. You may be satisfied with what is given, but I feel a little more character depth. Otherwise, I think it is a very good book. The story line is bursting with twists and turns with so many family secrets, love triangles, lies and family secrets that test the very fabric of family by definition.

I really do recommend this book highly, I just did not believe it was above a 4 ½ without more character. LeCraw certainly makes you think and raises some issues that may or may not hit a little too close to home. It was definitely a book I could not put down.    
You are going to love this if you are a reader who likes adult topics and some steamy parts, however is a novel that requires reflection, all set in an unusual romance.

*I would like to thank Doubleday Books via Net GALLEY for giving me an unreleased copy for an honest and fair review.

If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW). 


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

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*I would like to thank Doubleday Books via NetGALLEY for giving me an unreleased copy for an honest and fair review.

If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW). 


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

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