Tuesday, December 2, 2014

One Night in Vegas by C. M. Stone

One Night in Vegas

C. M. Stone

Ratings and Recommendations

Rating: 5 Teacups

Recommendation:Yes, Yes, Yes

Book Club Worthy: Maybe in Genre


Can what happens in Vegas between Eliza and Chris stay in Vegas or will they let their past stay in the way?

This is such a fun and fast read. The plot is interesting while still fulfilling the adult romance one expects. Some especially steamy love scenes. Parents use your own judgment. I also loved that Stone used an unusual approach to fulfill the romance. The characters histories were introduced at the right time giving them an added depth many times missing from the genre of quick novellas. I think Stone hit all the marks, therefore I gave her a 5 and recommend it highly.  

If you are a fan of Lovestruck type of novellas, steamy adult parts, great plot, and romance, this is for you, so enjoy!


*I would like to thank Entangled Publishing, LLC via NetGALLEY for giving me an unreleased copy for an honest and fair review.

If you buy this book through the above link money is  generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW). 


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Reaver (Demonica 10) by Larissa Ione


Demonica 10
Larissa Ione

Ratings and Recommendations

Rating: 5 teacups

Recommendation: Yes, Yes,Yes

Book Club Worthy: Yes in Genre


Reaver is the father of the Horsemen and Harvester a secret agent for the Angels? You do not want to miss the next installment of Demonica! Even if this is your first taste...

Demonica fans this will come as no surprise that Ione does not disappoint in this latest novel for the series. I have followed many series in my years of reading and it is few and far between that you have one that lasts this long and still offers such great new material each time. Where to start about what makes this a 5 teacup book. The plot is choke full of fast paced action and information. Through most of the book you wonder about some of the characters in regard to which side they are playing for such as Angels or Fallen. 

From the first I could not put it down. I got so lost in the book and the world that Ione created that my family practically had to yell at me to get me back to the real world. Plenty of oh so very hot sex, as you would expect from this series. I say this every time I read one of the Demonica novels that I do not think this one can be topped, but once again, I am proven wrong. The plot is all over the place. I mean that in the most terrific way possible about the plot and being wrong. The story-lines are crisscrossing and while you are easily keeping up you are totally confused about what is happening and who to trust, all the way to the ending. I believe this could be a standalone, however, you do not know what you are missing if you skip the Demonica Series.  

Iona fans especially Demonica addicts, it is criminal to miss this one. For the rest of the reading world, if you like paranormal, hot sex, mystery, suspense, and seriously great but unusual romances, run do not walk for this novel.

I myself, ran and preordered Revenant (Demonica 11) and if you wish to also here is the link:


* If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW). 


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Dark Desire: Dark Series 2 by Lauren Dawes

Dark Desires

Dark Series 2

Lauren Dawes

Ratings and Recommendations

Rating: 5 teacups

Recommendation: Yes, Yes, Yes

Book Club Worthy: Yes in Genre


After the dust has settled can Taer or Eir overcome their life altering losses? Does Odin find a way to deal with Loki without losing all including his life? Or do the Aesir have something to worry about older than themselves seeking revenge?

Dawes does it again and gives a 5 teacup performance in Dark Series 2. It seems this series will be one to follow. As Dawes fills in more of the worlds in and we learn more about the elves that are left in the world the plots just keep getting better. The new characters that are added are just as compelling as the first book in the series. Still, I am left wanting more in a good way. I want to know what is going to happen with the two new heroines in this novel as the series goes farther along. I am past the point of wanting and am almost at needing to know what will happen in Dark Series 3. I hope we are not left to long to find out what Dawes has in store. The book does have a little steamy love scenes in it so parents and adults uncomfortable with this, you make the choice. The rest enjoy some spicy romance. This review is short and to the point that is a great read and I highly recommend both books in the series so far and am expecting good things from the next book based on the first two. 

My favorite part, who is going to want to read this book. If you like paranormal, a touch of adult in your romance, some mystery, suspense, a great series, cliffhangers, and a lot of action in your novel, go get these two novels. Then you, like me, will have to anxiously await Dark Series 3…hint, hint…Lauren Dawes



*I would like to thank Momentum (Pan Macmillian) via NetGALLEY for giving me an unreleased copy for an honest and fair review.

If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW). 


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dark Deceit: Dark Series 1 by Lauren Dawes

Dark Deceit:

Dark Series 1

Lauren Dawes

Ratings and Recommendation

Rating: 5 teacups

Recommendation: Yes, Yes, Yes

Book Club Worthy: Yes, in Genre


Loki banished forever? Dark elves hunted to extinction by Odin and the Valkyries! Now someone wants to kill the Valkyries to get to Odin, but who? With Gods and Goddess living among humans, anyone’s guess is good as the Valkyries or is it a trick by Odin?

I really enjoyed this novel and believe it to be the start of a great series. It definitely left me wanting more, but in a good way. It is obviously paranormal, however the world that Dawes has created is really great and she knows her Norse Gods/Goddess pretty well. The plot is full of mystery and suspense I wish to know more about the other worlds like the one our Heroine, Bryn comes from along with the other Aesir Gods/Goddess.

This is definitely a 5 teacup book. I thought the story-line went along pretty fast. There was so adult romantic scenes, so, mom and dad, you decide. It was action packed, multiple branches off the main story, and handled quite well as not to overwhelm. Even the setup to the new-world was so smooth that I was all in from the first. Cannot wait until the Dark Series Book 2 comes out, I have to know what I happening with the crew….

Alright, who would enjoy this book as much as I did, those of you who like paranormal, suspense, mystery, a decent cliffhanger, and some spice in your romance novel. 



If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW). 


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Call of the Dragon (Return to Avalore Book 1) by Elianne Adams

Call of the Dragon

Return to Avalore Book 1

Elianne Adams

Rating and Recommendation

Rating: 4 1/2 teacups

Recommendation: Yes

Book Club Worthy: Yes in Genre appropriate                                       club


 Will Rhia find this Avalore where she is Queen with Drake’s help or will the beasts kill them both as they did her mother before they can find safety?

Adams gives a good start to what seems a promising series. It does have a wobble here and there in the story where I wish I knew a little more about the characters and a little more about Avalore itself. As it is the beginning of the series I am sure there is room to learn these things and much more. As a whole it kept my interest. It was a quick read as the action for the most part was fast paced.

As I did enjoy it as much as I did regardless of the above mentioned items, I did give it a 4. If I were allowed I would give it a 4 ½ star rating. I do want to know more about this world and her brothers, father, and friends so am anticipating some of these answers in the second book of Avalore. I do find it could be a good book club book as there is material there in the correct genres like fantasy or sci-fi. I definitely recommend this book for anyone in those groups especially. I will caution, in a good way, there is a little adult pleasure for the grown up crowd.

Is this book for you? Yes - you like adult romance, you love sci-fi, paranormal, fantasy, mystery, suspense and thriller novels, even more so if you like series that do not leave you on a cliffhanger.


**I would like to thank Elianne Adams Books via NetGALLEY for giving me an unreleased copy for an honest and fair review.

If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW).


 AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Better Homes and Hauntings by Molly Harper

Better Homes and Hauntings

Molly Harper

Rating and Recommendation

Rating: 5 teacups

Recommended: Yes, Yes, Yes

Book Club Worthy: Paranormal or Romance 


Is Nina’s love enough help for Deacon to break the generations old curse on his house or does she meet her demise on island?

Okay Harper fans, this is not Jane and the crew. However, if you give Nina, Deacon and their cohorts a chance I think you can have a great time. There is the usual comradery, madcap adventure and of course paranormal goings on. The characters are easy to like and wish you could be there to help. I did enjoy the book and had a good plot and did engage me from the start. As stated earlier it is a standalone that shows she does not need a series to write a darn good book. I recommend it highly. I know there was a little room left in my heart for Nina, Deacon, and their friends along with Half-Moon Hallow residents. Therefore, new characters, standalone, new place, and no vampires, I will still give it a 5 star rating.

You will like this book if you can overlook that Harper did not write a book for one of her series, like paranormal without vampires, like paranormal ghosts, like some mystery, suspense, romance, and a touch of chills.


*I would like to thank Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books via NetGALLEY for giving me an unreleased copy for an honest and fair review.

If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW).


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

The Hanging Tree: A Novella by Michael Phillip Cash

The Hanging Tree:

A Novella
Michael Phillip Cash

Rating and Recommendation

Rating: 5 teacups

Recommendation: Yes, Yes, Yes

Book Club Worthy: Maybe, novella only consideration


How do you break a curse you do not know exists before it takes your life? Or do you, too, take a branch on the hanging tree…

This 5 teacup offering from Cash gives us a beautiful blending of multiple pasts and present story-lines that create a suspense filled fast to read novella. I love that you get to meet many of the characters in the story, but are so caught up in the tale that you are not wondering about this or that character. They do not become a distraction. Even in a novella Cash is able to give depth to the characters better than I have seen in full novels. I felt like I was taken away to the differing times where the action took place and nothing felt static as if being read to me from history. I just loved the story and think you will also enjoy the ride. I highly recommend this novella and believing less can be more will end here.

Okay – you want to read this book if you like paranormal, into ghost tales, like some thrills and suspense, and a fun quick read. Don’t wait for Halloween for this Ghost Tale.


If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW). 


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Fifty Mice by Daniel Pyne

Fifty Mice: A Novel

Daniel Pyne

Rating and Recommendation

Rating: 4 teacups

Recommendation: Yes

Book Club Worthy: Yes in one of the Genres


How would you convince “The Witness Protection” Marshalls that you are the wrong person and do not know what they think you do? Could You? That is where Jay Johnson finds himself…

The foundation for this plot is incredible and it was a good read. It lacked some in execution, which made it a little bit too cloudy at points. I do recommend it as a very good book. If you just skipped over the times that it becomes a little confusing or repetitive in Jay’s telling of his story, then it reads about a 4 ½ rating. It is a little disappointing as the ending is so unbelievable, in a good way, that there were those times where something was lost in the translation between the reader and Jay’s story.

The storyline itself was quite a bit of fresh air. Pyne gave nothing away through the whole novel and I love that in my mystery/thrillers.  Too many times I am able to figure out what is happening half way through the plot if not the third chapter or so, not this book. It read really quickly and seemed full of action with the exception of those few parts I mention in the above paragraph. Without those sections, I would have easily given the book a 5, unfortunately it receives a 4 with a high recommendation with the above execution problems.

This book is for those of you who love a mystery, thriller, adult themes, an unusual plot, and a most shocking ending.


* I would like to thank PENGUIN GROUP Blue Rider Press via NetGalley for an unreleased copy for a fair and honest review.

*If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW).


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

Blood Assassin (The Sentinels Book 2) by Alexandra Ivy

Blood Assassin
The Sentinels Book 2
Ivy Alexander

Rating and Recommendation

Rating: 4 1/2 teacups

Recommendation: Yes

Book Club Worthy: Yes, in its Genre


Fane’s on his way to Tibet until Valhalla finds out Serra is missing. Once Serra is found will she left behind in Valhalla or will she accompany him to Tibet?

I had a hard time rating this book. As I am a fan of Alexandra Ivy and I enjoyed the book, but I was left wanting more. I would have liked a little more depth to the characters and couple other things made me makethat decision. The characters were by no means one dimensional and the other quibbles did not make me hate the book, they just would have enhanced it and made it a 5 star novel. I ended up giving it a 4 with the caveat that if I could it would be a 4 ½ and will rated as such on my personal website.

Even though the book was a pleasurable read overall, there were places that the story did drag a little action wise. It almost seemed as it was wordier than actionable in the reading at a few places. It did take me a little bit to get into the story, but not too long.

On the other hand I think the premise of the series and the plot of the story is wonderful. I even think this book can be a standalone. I like that very much about the novel. As you can see there are a few things that would keep me from giving it a 5, but nothing that would keep me from recommending it. Ivy fans might go either way and not think my dislikes and disagree they are a problem at all or may just agree. So for some of you that do not want more as I did, you will be pleasantly pleased, the rest of you will be happy also as it is a good read.

Reading the first book in the Series, Born of Blood, does give more information on all of the characters and I do recommend reading it before this novel.

Alright, if you love Sentinel Series (not required as can standalone), romance, sci-fi, paranormal, mystery and thriller Alexandra Ivy has done it again.


*I would like to thank Kensington Books via NetGALLEY for giving me an unreleased copy for an honest and fair review.

If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW).


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

How to Beguile a Duke by Ally Broadfield

How to Beguile a Duke

Ally Broadfield

Ratings and Recommendations

Rating: 5 teacups

Recommendation: Yes, Yes, Yes

Book Club Worthy: Yes in Romance or Historical Romance


Can Catherine win her Ancestral home back in a wager between herself and the Duke of Boulstridge? Or as the duke believes, is her incorrect background keeping her from winning the wager?

Broadfield gives an excellent sense of balance to her plot with just the right amount of mystery, angst, suspense, romance, and thrills. The plot is great with its kinks and surprises. The ending is in my humble opinion splendid. It just makes for my perfect historical romance, not following the typical romance script so to say. I highly recommend the book and wish to give nothing more away than the publishers back cover or description at the book store sites online. Definitely worth the five and worth the time to read. Hope you enjoy as much as I did.

Historical romance with a great mystery, plenty of angst, a grand comeuppance (but whose?), a literally killer suspense, and plenty of wonderful characters, if you like this in a novel, then you are going to be one happy reader!



*I would like to thank Entangled Publishing, LLC via NetGALLEY for giving me an unreleased copy for an honest and fair review.

*If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW). 


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.