Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Tasty Tours "Nightwalker: Nightwalkers #7 by Jacquelyn Frank"

The World of Nightwalkers #5
Jacquelyn Frank
Releasing Aug 25th, 2015

From New York Times bestselling author Jacquelyn Frank comes the final chapter in the Nightwalkers saga! As the momentous showdown with a powerful demon unfolds, a passionate encounter breaks the ultimate taboo.

Kamen is a Bodywalker, an ancient soul reborn in one human host after another. He’s also a prisoner of his own kind: for it was Kamen who released Apep, the deadly god who threatens the existence of their world. To atone for this grievous error, Kamen accepts an urgent mission: to convince the other nations of the Nightwalkers to set aside their centuries-old conflicts and band together. If he fails, all will be lost. And no tribe presents a greater challenge than the Wraiths, the spectral beings who are feared and despised for their lethal deathtouch.

Kamen makes first contact with a stunning, ghostly pale beauty named Geneviève. Part Wraith and part human, scorned as a half-breed, Viève shares the hunger for redemption—and for connection. Her scintillating touch holds the kiss of death, and yet it makes Kamen feel more alive than ever. Soon his lips are pressed against hers, sending Viève into fits of desire and forging a bond that breaches the divide between them. Now they must unite all the Nightwalkers, from Vampire and Shadowdweller to Djynns, and fast—for Apep is ready for war. 


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Jacquelyn Frank is the New York Times bestselling author of the Immortal Brothers series (Cursed by Fire, Cursed by Ice, Bound by Sin, and Bound in Darkness), the World of Nightwalkers series (Forbidden, Forever, Forsaken, Forged, and Nightwalker), the Three Worlds series (Seduce Me in Dreams and Seduce Me in Flames), the Nightwalkers series (Adam, Jacob, Gideon, Elijah, Damien, and Noah), the Shadowdwellers novels (Ecstasy, Rapture, and Pleasure), and the Gatherers novels (Hunting Julian and Stealing Katherine). She lives in North Carolina and has been writing romantic fiction ever since she picked up her first teen romance at age thirteen. 

An Excerpt from Nightwalker: Nightwalkers #7

     He had been blind, he thought as he pulled on a pair of slacks. He had discovered that she just wanted power for herself at any cost. Kamen was a very smart man, but he had been very stupid when it came to Odjit. He had spent far too much time engrossed in his books and spells and not enough time living in the real world and seeing truths for what they were.

     Kamen pulled on a collared shirt but did not button it. He knew he was likely to be the only one up at this time of the day so he didn’t bother. He looked out of the windows, their polarized glass keeping all hint of sunlight from touching anyone in the house. Bodywalkers were paralyzed by the touch of the sun. All Nightwalkers, in fact, had a weakness to sunlight. Djynns blistered and burned unless they turned to their smoke form, Night Angel skin turned from ebony to albino and their natural abilities became muffled. From what he had read, Mysticals were forced to be in their mystical form rather than their human form. Phoenixes burst into flame at the touch of the sun, leaving only ash from which they would be reborn once darkness fell, and one touch of the sun made Wraiths—who spent the darkness in their ghostly forms that could phase right through solid objects—instantly solid, which was deadly if they happened to be phasing through something at the time.

     He had found out about all of these weaknesses during his hours of study. What he did not know was what the weaknesses of the other six Nightwalkers were, the new Nightwalkers they had only just discovered: Demons, Lycanthropes, Mistrals, Vampires, Druids, and Shadowdwellers. He wanted to learn about them, but so far, it had proven next to impossible. Nothing in their written languages made sense to him, and, in fact, without a human translator, there wasn’t even any way of speaking with them. It was as if they weren’t there at all. Besides, Kamen didn’t think they would be all that willing to share information about their weaknesses in any event, never mind sharing it with the likes of him.

     Still, Kamen had spent hours in conversation with the Druid called Bella, whose talent was the ability to read any language put before her. Any language, that is, written by humans or the six Nightwalker races she knew of. The Bodywalkers wrote in Egyptian or the language they were reborn into, plus any languages they had studied over their incarnations. Kamen himself could read and write and speak almost any language put in front of him. The product of having his nose constantly in a book whenever he had a body.

     But while this Bella could read Egyptian, she could not read anything that referred to any of the six races she was not familiar with. Instead, the pages would simply be filled with the Egyptian alphabet. Something that might seem strange, but not strange enough to have gotten her to question it earlier. And when books in the Demon language were brought to Kamen, all he could see was gibberish that meant absolutely nothing and was completely indecipherable. If Bella wrote something in English about the other Nightwalkers, it just looked like pages filled with the English alphabet.

     It was clear that whatever was keeping the two factions apart was determined to do it in such a way that they would never have questioned it. And yet, for all of this misdirection and codification, somehow a prophecy in the Demon language about the twelve Nightwalker nations had survived, giving a hint of what was out there. It had been useless with no context, until Bella, a half-breed Druid, had literally run into Kat, a half-breed Djynn. While they could not see each other nor speak to each other, they could write to each other and use humans as go-betweens when getting messages across.

     It made for slow going, this communication process. It had been seven months now since they had first found each other and they were still trying to smooth out ways of communicating and transferring messages back and forth.

     He had been working with Bella since he had a larger store of language capability than anyone else in the Portales, New Mexico, compound. If a solution was going to be found, it was going to be found by the two of them. They just had to hope it would happen sooner rather than later. Time was growing short.

     For Apep was about to give birth.

     In this incarnation, the imp god had taken over Odjit’s body. He had then chosen a father from among the Nightwalker breeds, a powerful Night Angel named Dax, and had raped him in order to impregnate himself. Apep was due to deliver the child into the world any day now.

     One god was nearly impossible to fight, but two? And while there was still hope they might stumble upon a text somewhere that would tell them how to get rid of Apep, the god’s child would be something never seen before. There would be no telling how to be rid of it.

     Apep had been quiet for the duration of his pregnancy, but after he gave birth, he would focus on destroying them—Kamen was certain of it. He suspected that the Nightwalkers were key to Apep’s undoing, and that the god knew it. So he would destroy them as soon as he was able. Kamen believed that Apep’s pregnancy made him vulnerable, and while they should probably strike before that weakness was gone from him, there were two problems. They didn’t know how to attack him and they no longer knew where he was.

     Actually . . . Kamen was fairly certain he had a spell that could locate him, only he hadn’t mentioned it to the others as yet. He felt in his gut that they weren’t ready to face Apep, that they were missing a key element that would allow them to defeat him at last. Bella agreed with him. And anyway, the surest way to defeat him would be if the two Nightwalker factions could coordinate their attacks, and until they figured out why they couldn’t see each other, they wouldn’t be able to enact that kind of coordination effectively.

     It was a curse. It had to be a curse. 

I would like thank Tasty Tours for letting me participate in the tour today. Now for my part of the tour the review of Nightwalker by Jaquelyn Frank.


Nightwalkers # 7

Jaquelyn Frank

Ratings and Recommendations

Rating: 5+ teacups

Recommended: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Book Club Worthy: In genre.


Can Kamen bring all the Nightwalkers together before Apep strikes again? Will Viève and Kamen be able to keep their hands off each other long enough to fight the war?

This is book seven and the final book in the nightwalker series. Frank fans will not be disappointed. If you have never read a Frank book or any of the Nightwalker series, never fear, it is a standalone that you can pick up and still fully enjoy. On my blog it will receive a 5+ rating, because some books are just that good, and this one is that good. I am sorry to see the series end though it will be like saying good bye to a group of old friends. That is what this series of characters and stories feel like friends and their stories, which is how good fiction should read.

The plot is well written, the characters are fully developed. Even though characters appear from previous stories they are not thrown in without explanation that reading their stories is necessary before you understand or enjoy this book. I highly recommend this book and evert other Frank novel. If you are new to her work and start with this and would like to start from the beginning go back to where it all begins with Jacob.

Is this one for you? Frank fan, Sci-Fi, paranormal romance, like a lot of steamy adult scenes with your romance, want some super- hot males as your main men, strong females as your lead characters, and want a book you are going to find it hard to put down? Then this one is for you.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015



Nightwalkers # 7

Jaquelyn Frank

Ratings and Recommendations

Rating: 5+ teacups

Recommended: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Book Club Worthy: In genre.


Can Kamen bring all the Nightwalkers together before Apep strikes again? Will Viève and Kamen be able to keep their hands off each other long enough to fight the war?

This is book seven and the final book in the nightwalker series. Frank fans will not be disappointed. If you have never read a Frank book or any of the Nightwalker series, never fear, it is a standalone that you can pick up and still fully enjoy. On my blog it will receive a 5+ rating, because some books are just that good, and this one is that good. I am sorry to see the series end though it will be like saying good bye to a group of old friends. That is what this series of characters and stories feel like friends and their stories, which is how good fiction should read.

The plot is well written, the characters are fully developed. Even though characters appear from previous stories they are not thrown in without explanation that reading their stories is necessary before you understand or enjoy this book. I highly recommend this book and evert other Frank novel. If you are new to her work and start with this and would like to start from the beginning go back to where it all begins with Jacob.

Is this one for you? Frank fan, Sci-Fi, paranormal romance, like a lot of steamy adult scenes with your romance, want some super- hot males as your main men, strong females as your lead characters, and want a book you are going to find it hard to put down? Then this one is for you.


*I would like to thank Loveswept via NetGALLEY for giving me an unreleased copy for an honest and fair review.

If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW). 


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Uncharted (Unexpected Book 3) by Claudia Burgoa


(Unexpected Book 3)

Claudia Burgoa

Ratings and Recommendations

Ratings: 5 teacups

Recommended: Yes! Yes! Yes!

Book Club Worthy: In genre.


Can Pria forgive Jacob for never calling after her one perfect week in college? Can Jacob forget everything that has happened over the last ten years in his life?

This is book three in Burgoa’s Unexpected Series and is standalone. In fact, it is the first of the three that I have read. I am giving it a 5 in both the star rating and on my blog.  I am going back and reading the first two novels also as soon as possible; Unlike Any Other (Unexpected Book 1) and Unsurprisingly Complicated (Unexpected Book 2). The fourth novel is going to cover the third triplet Matthew (MJ’s) story and is Uncut (Unexpected Book 4).

The plot is incredible with turns and twists that are unexpected to say the least. It reads so fast because you won’t want to put it down. It takes turns at being witty, humorous, romantic, horrific and so sad it made me cry. I cried happy and sad tears with this story, what more can you ask? I am even waiting anxiously for number four to come out now.

The characters are well developed and feel like friends. Even those from the previous novels seem like you know them enough to be friends. I am going back to read the stories because I am curious about the backgrounds and what happens to get them from and around the ten year space in time the book gaps in Pria and Jacobs story. I felt like I know each of their families and watch members grow and change over time as the character matured while the book progressed. I highly recommend this book.

Is this one for you? You like romance, you like some steamy adult bits in your romance, you do not mind there is a possibility of crying in your novels, you like hot sexy male leads, you like a strong female lead, you want some real life in your story along with the fantasy. This one might be for you.


*I would like to thank Claudia Burgoa via NetGALLEY for giving me an unreleased copy for an honest and fair review.

If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW). 


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Never Loved: A Dark Obsession Novel by Charlotte Stein

Never Loved:

A Dark Obsession Novel
Charlotte Stein

Ratings and Recommendations

Rating: 5 teacups

Recommended: Yes, Yes, Yes!!!

Book Club Worthy: In genre, definitely!


Once Serge teaches Beatrix that like recognizes like and he knows her, can he introduce her into his world successfully while keeping her safe from its darker edges or must he let her go when he gets in too deep with the battle for his life…

This book hooked me from page one. I was not really sure what was going on but wanted to know more so had to keep turning pages. Every page just kept drawing me in further to the story, before I knew what was happening the book was over. It definitely deserves a 5. The plot tree has twigs coming in from all over, but they are necessary and timely. I do not think I could have asked anything more from the book. Over the entire story, we see the characters grow and find them fully rounded. 

Do you want this book? You like your romance bittersweet. You are not afraid and like some steamy adult loving. You are looking for something off the beaten track while getting your romance on and a little bit of the dark side is okay as long as you get some romance fix in there. If this is you, you will love this book, like I did. 


*I would like to thank Random House Publishing - Loveswept via NetGALLEY for giving me an unreleased copy for an honest and fair review.

If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW). 


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Tasty Tours Commanded by Stacey Kennedy

Club Sin # 6
By: Stacey Kennedy  
Releasing July 7, 2015

Club Sin comes alive once again in this decadent new romance from USA Today bestselling author Stacey Kennedy, perfect for fans of Fifty Shades of Grey.

A dedicated cop, Sawyer Quinn blows off steam by immersing himself in his role as a Master at the hottest club in Las Vegas. But when Sawyer goes after the perp who brutally beat his sister, he teams up with Chloe Nash, a sexy private investigator who awakens a sweet new need: to keep her to himself, away from the dungeon of Club Sin. Chloe is beautiful, smart, and too innocent for the BDSM lifestyle. Sawyer’s never wanted a woman like this before. Is her love worth swearing off the one thing that keeps him sane?

There’s something different about Sawyer: a commanding strength that pulls Chloe into a vortex of heady desire. But when she learns about his double life as a Dom, she’s shocked—and afraid she could never complete him. Then he saves her life, and just like that, Chloe knows she will be able to give him anything he desires. She is his—wherever and however he wants to take her.

Stacey Kennedy is the USA Today bestselling author of the Club Sin series. Growing up, Stacey’s mind wandered the path less traveled, and that path most often led to love. She has always broken rules and she continues to feed off emotion—always staying true to her heart. Those traits are now the bones of her stories. She lives in southwestern Ontario with her husband, who puts any of the heroes in her books to shame, and their two young children. If she’s not on Mom duty or plugging away at a new story, you’ll find Stacey camping in the summer, hibernating in the winter, and obsessing over Penny Dreadful, Game of Thrones, and Sons of Anarchy.

Author Links:
FacebookTwitter | Website | Goodreads

An Excerpt from 


Club Sin Book 6 

“Come here,” she said. “I found something.”
“Whatcha got?” Sawyer sat next to her, draping his arm across the back of the couch.
He smelled like nature, Chloe thought—woodsy and fresh. And so very masculine. She cleared her throat. “I take it this is Travis’s email address.” Sawyer’s thick, strong leg pressed against her slender one, carrying warmth into her veins. “It’s not a great lead, but at least it’s something.”
“At this point, anything is good.” Sawyer pulled out his phone and typed the email address into his notepad. “I don’t suppose you know how to break passwords?”
“I’m not that good.” She smiled, shutting the laptop. “But I do have a friend who might be able to help.”
One brow rose. “A friend?”
“His name is Shane. He’s a computer whiz I met in high school.” She rose, holding the laptop to her chest. “He does some freelance work for Porter on difficult cases.”
Sawyer hesitated, brows pinched together. “The force has its own computer team. I should take it there.”
“Yes, I’m sure that makes sense in your cop brain. But what if we have to dig deeper than just breaking a password? Will your people on the force do that, or do they have to get warrants and such? Using my guy saves time.”
His hesitation lasted a little longer this time, the conflict clear on his face. He finally bobbed his head, resolved. “We’ll do this your way for now.” He lifted his hand to her arm in an appreciative touch, but the feel of his strong fingers on her bare skin was like an arrow of desire hitting her straight between her thighs.
He’d never touched her before. That, she now realized, had been a good thing. Under the heat of his fingers, her mind went blank. Her only focus was the burning of his touch. Every inch of her hummed in a blaze of need, clenching her sex. She needed space from all his intensity, but she couldn’t find the strength to force her feet to move.
She dared herself to look up into his shadowy eyes. His curious gaze moved from his hand to her face; then he shifted his fingers toward her chin. Chloe melted as she became aware of his hands on her face—the soft, tempting strokes of his fingers as they caressed her jaw.
He tipped her head up, studying her in a way no man had ever done. He really looked at her—straight into the center of her being. As if, for the first time in her life, she was being seen. Her soul felt naked under his gaze. The slight jump in her heart rate matched the nerves rattling through her.
All the same, her mind recoiled. She hastily reminded herself she’d just broken up with Josh. “Please don’t” was all she could manage.
The corner of Sawyer’s mouth curved. “I’m not stopping you from backing away from me. If you don’t want me close, move.”
He clearly didn’t intend to step away—she could tell from his knowing smile. She couldn’t, either. My God, she wanted him. Right now. Right in his little sister’s condo. But that little voice in her head, though it was growing weaker by the moment, reminded her that strong and smart women didn’t jump into bed with someone the day after breaking up with a long-term boyfriend.
The satisfaction in his eyes deepened when she remained still. “There’s something here,” he murmured in a voice as soft as silk. “I feel it. You feel it. Why ignore it?”
“I broke up with Josh yesterday,” she reminded him.
“So you keep telling me.” Frustration appeared in his eyes. “Since you seem so determined to keep talking about your ex, then tell me, why did you break up?”
Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. There was no way she was going to tell him.
His eyes began to twinkle. “Because of me? Because of this peculiar-but-ever-so-interesting connection between us?”
She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I’ve never . . .”
“Felt something so intense? So unexplainable? So tempting? Neither have I.”
Then he kissed her, and she couldn’t remember the reason she didn’t want him kissing her. She only wanted him kissing her.
He moved his hands to caress her shoulders, holding her in place as his tongue invaded her mouth. He pressed his body against hers, as if daring her not to realize how incredible it felt to have his body right up against hers. He set every inch of her on fire.
Jesus. H. Christ, did she realize it.
And she wanted more.
Many minutes later, when he stopped kissing her, they were both breathless. His eyes were so full of lust it was mind-blowing. He dragged his thumb across her bottom lip. “I’ve waited thirty-three years to find this sort of real connection that defies logic. I won’t ignore that, Chloe. I can’t.” She couldn’t look away from his mouth. God, she wanted more of that. “Don’t ask me to,” he added, “because you won’t like my answer.”
She forced her eyes up to his. “I’ve been single for a day,” she reminded him again. Dammit! “I can’t be with you, no matter how fun that sounds. It wouldn’t feel right. I need time.”
“Fair argument. But I don’t care how long you’ve been single. I only care that you are.” As if he hadn’t rocked her fucking world, he left her standing there as he walked toward the door. “Come on. We need to get moving.”
She blinked, pulling her mind from the gutter and placing it back on the investigation. Her emotions were in a whirl; if there were such a thing as a female case of blue balls, she had ’em.

links to buy  Amazon | B & N | iTunes | Kobo

I would like to thank Tasty Tours and 

Loveswept for allowing us to be a part of the 

Commanded by Stacey Kennedy. Before we get to the great prizes part, let me take this opportunity to review Commanded. 


A Club Sin Novel (Club Sin series Book 6)

Stacey Kennedy

Ratings and Recommendations

Rating: 5 teacups

Recommended: Yes, Yes, Yes!

Book Club Worthy: In genre.


Can Chloe fit into Sawyer’s life without joining a BDSM club or will she change him as she fears? Will Sawyer convince Chloe that she is enough for him and that he does not need the club anymore, only the friends that he met there?

This is book six in the Club Sin series and is a standalone novel that I am giving a rating of 5. The plot is quite different from what I expected. It was still very engaging with characters that were more like friends after the book was over. Still has hot and super sexy love scenes like the other novels, it was unusual in that the leading man did not want to share anything about his unique and innocent Chloe with the club scene at all. Chloe worries that she is changing Sawyer and he will be unhappy without his kink and his club.

This novel has the added twist of violence through Sawyers sister’s ex-boyfriend beating her up and Chloe and Sawyer hunting for him after the police are unable to find him. It is not romantic violence in any way shape or form. It is more in the shape of police crime or detective book type violence that may be expected as Chloe is a Private Investigator and Sawyer works for Las Vegas SWAT. I think the book works well all around. It covers all the bases for a good BDSM novel with the added above twists. It was another one that had me from Chapter One and would not let me go until I was finished. I am anxiously awaiting the next novel; which I know is Mine: A Club Sin Novel (Club Sin series Book 7). I am excited because a publisher told me it is about Presley and Dmitri…

Is this novel for you? You believe that a novel with BDSM can be romantic. You like plenty of adult kink in your novel. You like that a sub can take care of herself if she needs to at times. You like that Sawyer does not want others to see his prized sub or share any of her experiences with a club. Some violence is alright in you romance, even if it is the wrong kind and not the nice BDSM kind. Then this is the book for you.

Now for Fun and Prizes

Rafflecopter Giveaway

One Loveswept Mug
One Flirt Mug
Ebook copies of:
  • CLAIMED by Stacey Kennedy
  • MY OBSESSION by Cassie Ryan
  • DEEP AUTUMN HEAT by Elisabeth Barrett
  • TAKE THE FALL by Marquita Valentine
  • YOURS TO KEEP by Serena Bell
  • SWEET THE SIN by Claire Kent

Enter Below

I hope everyone had fun. Now go get the book and read the really great bits...To follow the rest of the tour click here. If you need the other books here is the link to Club Sin series on Goodreads.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Devil's Daughter: Lucinda's Pawnshop, Book One by Hope Schenk-de Michele, Paul Marquez with Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff

Devil's Daughter:

Lucinda's Pawnshop, Book One

Hope Schenk-de Michele, Paul Marquez with Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff

Ratings and Recommendations

Rating: 4 1/2 teacups

Recommended: Yes!

Book Club Worthy In genre.


Is Lucinda able to stay away from Nick to keep him safe from her father as she sees it or will her love for him be too strong to stay away from him?  

This is a strong start to a new series with this 4 ½ rated novel on my blog as I always feel stifled by the normal 1 to 5 scale. The plot is quite unusual with Lucinda being the half-human and half-angle daughter of Eve and Lucifer from the Garden of Eden in the original sin. The premise of the book places the pawnshop that Lucinda runs for Lucien (Lucifer) able to open anywhere at any time, whenever a human is a crossroads in their lives to tempt them to purchase a cursed object giving him an inroad to their soul. Lucinda has throughout time tried to honor her mother and foil her father’s plan.  

The ending sets up the next book with a couple different cliff hangers that I am excited to read to see what happens. There are a few minor issues that I have with the book such as a human under Lucifer’s control being able to perhaps do things against his wishes. It is intriguing that Lucinda is allowed to go against her father and he knows about it also, where she believes that he does not know about it. Another perhaps paradigm is that the “seed” is lost from Lucifer without his knowledge by someone that is supposedly working for him. I know that sounds quite cryptic, however, if I say more it will give some things away. No spoilers, you will have to read the novel to understand my criticism. All told though it is a very good start to a new series. And I will be looking for the next novel to be releasing.,,

Is this novel for you? You like Sci-Fi, paranormal, and romance. You do not mind a very big cliff hanger and can wait to find some major information out in the next book. You are somewhat interested in the occult as a backstory. This could be the story for you.


*I would like to thank Bird Street Books via NetGALLEY for giving me an unreleased copy for an honest and fair review.

If you buy this book through the above link money is generated, however, donated to the non-profit American Association of University Women (AAUW). 


AAUW works empowering women, since 1881, standing up for causes in the areas of educational, social, economic and political issues especially important to women. Marie Currie was one of the first beneficiaries of the group that would become AAUW receiving monetary help to attend college. I am a proud member and believe that the profit from books seems a fitting donation.